The best laid plans….

My innovation plan has been an interesting experience. Last school year I was able to implement it in stages, starting with blending my own biology curriculum and then workign with coaches and administration to implement blending learning in all biology classrooms on campus. But, as the year ended , funding and positions changed and this project was not a priority.

Not wanting the research and resources I had made to be wasted, I started listening for other schools and areas that may need my assistance. In July of this year, a conversation happened casually one Sunday at church, and it was brought to my attention that they were looking to integrate more technology in their curriculum but had no idea where to start. They purchased 20 chromebooks but had no idea how to teach the teachers or students how to use them.  I scheduled a meeting with the principal and pastor (both are school administrators) and shared what I already had done, and how I thought it was applicable to their situation. They both invited me to speak to the staff, and we drafted a plan to integrate the basics of Google Apps for Education. Teachers have invited me into their classrooms and we work on a room by room basis to discuss class specific ways to integrate technology into their subject or grade.

We met with a parent committee to explain the implemetation plans and phases, as well as get their feelings on BYOD policies. Every group of stakeholders feels that they have a say- parents, students, teachers, and administration- and has a clear voice in the process. Even though this is not the original plan I set out to accomplish, I have learned more that I ever though possible in planning, creating, implementing, and communicating. I would not trade any off these experiences and am grateful for them all!

For a visual representation of my journety, please check out this prezi

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